Saturday, July 15, 2006

Israel's Upside-Down Defense

You've probably already heard something like this by now:

this is the truth

if Israel turns things upside down

they can't be the best country in the world

I would be lying to you if I said

that they have a great future ahead

that they will live in safety

that their economy will be strong

that their children will be healthy, get an education, & have jobs

above all else you must know

their country does not deserve such things

& I am convinced of this because I know the Israeli people

corruption & hypocrisy are in their nature

I refuse to believe under any circumstances that

they could be a great country to live in

thanks to the Israel Defense Forces

Israel is sinking to new depths, but

there are even more surprises to come

Israel has only one destiny

& whether you like it or not

this is the truth

you should know that I, G.M. Grena, believe exactly the opposite

this is the truth

& whether you like it or not

Israel has only one destiny

there are even more surprises to come

Israel is sinking to new depths, but

thanks to the Israel Defense Forces

they could be a great country to live in

I refuse to believe under any circumstances that

corruption & hypocrisy are in their nature

& I am convinced of this because I know the Israeli people

their country does not deserve such things

above all else you must know

that their children will be healthy, get an education, & have jobs

that their economy will be strong

that they will live in safety

that they have a great future ahead

I would be lying to you if I said

they can't be the best country in the world

if Israel turns things upside down

this is the truth

(Note: I apologize for the brief departure from a "royal" theme, but I read the above this week tailored for a political election in the country of Argentina, & could not resist adapting it to Israel. The verses could easily be adapted for just about any other country, but somehow seemed more appropriate due to the renewed attacks on Israel reported this week.)

Song of the week: "Lawyers, Guns, & Money" by Warren Zevon (click the song title to visit Amazon; click here for a 26-second sample; 324kb).
G.M. Grena

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