Sunday, November 18, 2018

x4C Gone from NEASB

This past week the annual meetings for ASOR, BAS, NEAS, & SBL were in Denver. Normally I don't receive the NEAS Bulletin till a few months later, but it arrived in harmony with the actual meeting this time. I almost didn't recognize it though, because instead of the plain-blue cover graced by a hand-drawn x4C icon, it bears a color photo of tiles to complement one of the articles therein:

The x4C design dominated the cover from 1996 to 2017 ... not bad. The credits go to Jim Campbell for the fresh cover design & logo; & to Frankie Snyder for the photo. Here's the main ToC:

"Slinging in the Biblical World: And What We Can Learn about David Defeating Goliath" by Boyd Seevers & Victoria Dennis (a slight deviation from the paper's title at the meeting)

"A Matrix of Potsherds: An Indicator of Prefabricated Opus Sectile Panels from the Byzantine Period" by Frankie Snyder.

"Iron Age I Israelite Looms: An Archaeological and Experimental Study" by Boyd Seevers & Arianna Winslow

And yes, the 1st & 3rd articles were co-written by the same person (I double-checked). This issue also contains 9 book reviews, & a notice for next year's meeting in San Diego. That's another surprise. I attended & blogged about them there in 2007 & 2014, so shame on my cold/calculating brain for not expecting to go again till 2021.

G.M. Grena

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