Sunday, June 17, 2007

June 13th To Be Exact

Some months ago, I had heard about an ocean's worth of water discovered below eastern Asia. It's not enough to cover the 1/3rd of exposed land on Earth, but it is a significant quantity heretofore unknown, roughly the size of the Arctic Ocean. But what really put a smile on my face this afternoon as I read the story published February 28th (2007) at, was the graphic of Earth's interior that conveyed essentially the same message as Fig. 4 on p. 46 of my "Evolution Science" book (which went to press over a month before this amazing discovery):

"Inside Earth: Scientists don't know exactly what lies below..."

Also notice that their drawing isn't to scale, but mine is! Of course, no one expects scientists to be as accurate or reliable as the Bible has been. One day we're told by atheists that the global flood recorded in Genesis can't be historical because only 2/3rd's of Earth's surface is covered by water today; yet the next day (June 13th of this year to be exact), we're told that 1/3rd of Mars' barren surface was once covered by an ocean that no longer exists--it simply vanished beneath the surface!

Progress! (Note that I touched upon this controversial subject on pp. 272-4 of "Evolution Science".)

In 1932, the president of the Royal College of Surgeons said that no one had done more than Henry Wellcome to make progress possible in the art & science of medicine (The Wellcome Research Institution, London: The Wellcome Foundation Ltd., 1934, p. 16). In 1936, he was eulogized as American pharmacy's gift to the world (E.F. Kelly, Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association 25, 1936, pp. 888-9). To those of us interested in Biblical archeology, Wellcome's name will always be synonymous with the groundbreaking (sorry, couldn't resist the pun) excavation work done at Lachish from 1932-1938.

But this week (again, June 13th to be exact), the institute bearing his name punctuated another important discovery in the history of Evolution Science.

For many years, evolutionists have preached that humans evolved from an apelike ancestor, & the similarity of the human genome to that of modern apes proves it. They commonly quote a 90-something (usually 98) percent similarity, but what they don't tell you is that this percentage spans only a miniscule portion of the genome that has been analyzed--the rest/majority is unknown. Like the unknown interior of Earth, they don't like to discuss these unknown regions, or mention plainly how little we know about it. This week's report came as a pleasant/refreshing surprise:

"A major study of the organization and regulation of the human genome published today changes our concept of how our genome works. The integrated study is an exhaustive analysis of 1% of the genome that, for the first time, gives an extensive view of genetic activity alongside the cellular machinery that allows DNA to be read and replicated."

Wow! An exhaustive analysis of a whoppin' 1 (i.e., one) percent! Please tell me more, Mr. Smart-Scientist-Person-Who-Knows-For-Sure-That-Humans-Evolved-From-Apelike-Ancestors-Instead-Of-Being-Created-By-A-Very-Good-God (in this case, played by Drs. Tim Hubbard, Manolis Dermitzakis, Ian Dunham, & Francis Collins):

"...our perspective of transcription and genes may have to evolve ... RNA transcripts overlap known genes and are found in what were previously thought to be gene 'deserts'. A major surprise was that many of the novel control regions are not shared with other species, but restricted to our human genome ... There is every expectation that a great deal more will be revealed as the project scales to the whole genome. Although much that is new has been discovered, much yet remains to be understood. ... The role of the massive new numbers of RNA transcripts is unknown. And the function of the large number of control elements is yet to be elucidated. ... the scientific community will need to rethink some long-held views about what genes are and what they do, as well as how the genome's functional elements have evolved."

Rethink indeed! The article states that 1% of the human genome sequence represents a mere 30,000,000 (thirty million) DNA base pairs. The fact that they're arranged in a sensible, productive order plainly indicates a building operation, not a random, purposeless assortment as mandated by Evolution Science.

"Every house is built by someone, but He who built all things is God."--Hebrews 3:4

But according to evolutionists who claim to be masters of our genetic "house" after examining only 1% of it, given the right circumstances, there's a chance the 3,000,000,000 (three billion) pieces of the "house" might have simply been struck by lightning in some primordial soup, & then 1/3rd of the soup vanished...

...and, God Almighty, have you seen what's happened since? Jesus, it's amazing how it goes...

Song of the week: "Master of the House" by Les Miserables Dream Cast (click the song title to visit Amazon; click here for a 31-second sample; 393kb).
G.M. Grena

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